Virtual Novena to Saint Clare of Assisi

Saint Clare
finding God's reflection in others
One of the most delightful traits of Saint Clare was her simple openness to God and trust in his complete guidance. When she was faced with a situation or problem that she did not know how to handle she responded in two ways. The first way was prayer the second was to humbly ask others for help and guidance. In asking she did not just go to the so called "councilors" alone, instead she would most often present her needs before the whole community. In her writings she counsels her sisters to always pay attention to the least among them, for God often reveals to little ones that which is hidden from the wise.

We need to take this to heart in our own lives. To be open to the fact that God is speaking through all his children, the young, the old, the rich, the poor. Those who have degrees from colleges and universities and those who have degrees from hardship and suffering. If we have any prejudices or blocks towards someone we must try very hard to move past them, because we may be cutting off the answer or help from them that God has given to them for us.

During this fifth day of our Novena to Saint Clare let us ask her for help in becoming humble and accepting of others. Let us be open to God guiding and directing us through others - the very person we are having trouble with may be our angel of mercy in disguise!