Saint Francis of Assisi

Novena in Honor of Saint Francis of Assisi

God spoke to Saint Francis, "Go, Francis, and restore my Church." Francis heard the words coming from the crucifix - which right away tells us something. Francis was in a church and he was praying! If we want God to speak to us than we also must spend that time in prayer.

Another word for prayer is "relationship" - we speak to God and God speaks to us. As readily as we want God to listen to us - so we must give that same readiness to listening to God. If we want God to answer our prayers - we must be ready as Saint Francis,to respond to God in the same manner.

Novena Prayer - Day Four

Saint Francis,
I do not often have
the resolution and firmness of heart
to pray as much as I should.
Beg God to give me the grace
of a prayerful and listening heart.

Please join us tomorrow for the fifth day of the Novena to Saint Francis.

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