Virtual Novena to Saint Clare of Assisi
To save His sheep
Let all of us, brothers,
consider the Good Shepherd
Who bore the suffering
of the cross to save His sheep.

The Lord's sheep followed Him
in tribulation and persecution,
in shame and hunger,
in weakness and temptation,
and in other ways;
and for these things
they received eternal life
from the Lord.
[The Undated Writings VI - 1,2]

Fourth Sunday of Novena
Love is the answer to carrying the cross. The more we love the easier the cross becomes.
What comes to my mind is the picture of new parents. Here is a little bundle that has been given to them and all their attention focuses on this little one and its needs. Suddenly everything takes on a new focus as their lives are turned upside down to care for little Peter.

To carry the cross for its own sake, is far too heavy. We can't begin to do it. But if we need to carry a certain cross for someone we really love - no problem! Parents get up in the middle of the night, tired and bone-weary to take care of a crying baby. Family members and close friends will even donate a part of their bodies to keep a loved one alive. Love is the answer!

We never can carry the cross long for our own sakes. But for loves sake we can and we want to! That is what God is asking of us when He says, "take up your cross and follow me," for "Love of God!" If we want to follow Christ, we must follow with our focus on "Love." God's great love and sacrifice for us and our reciprocal love and sacrifice for others.


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